Could I come and see what you guys do?

Sure. If you are interested in volunteering with us in some way, donating to the house, or have a desire to pray for us on a consistent basis, please feel free to come for a visit! This can be a quick tour, coffee, or lunch with us. We're located in downtown Winnipeg, Manitoba. Just give us a call.

What is Hesed Anyways?

Hesed is a Hebrew word used in the Old Testament to describe the eternally loyal, lavish, extravagant, unrestrained, compassionate merciful love of our Father God. As recipients of this divine love, we desire to emulate His compassion in our attitudes and actions towards others, particularly toward those affected by HIV/AIDS.

How are we funded?

We need to fundraise 75% of our expenses, the remaining 25% comes from Employment and Income Assistance to cover room and board for the residents. We are so thankful for all of our generous donors, churches, and businesses that contribute to House of Hesed to keep this house functioning for the residents that live here.

Who lives at Hesed?

We receive men and women from all walks of life: professionals, people who once lived on the street, or people who have just come from the hospital and have no other place to go, regardless of their race, creed, or sexual orientation. The ages of our residents can range from 16 years and up. One of the interesting things about HIV/AIDS is that it doesn't have a face, so you can't tell who has it and who doesn't. 

How many people live there?

We have room for up to 10 residents and our rooms are usually full and we often have people waiting to get in.